By: Tess Cartwright
In my lifetime technology has advanced past a point even some of the wildest film-makers could not predict. Now, I sit here in England typing to a cyber universe, spilling my mind onto this screen, preaching to a society who have evolved to attain the attention span of a goldfish. If you have read thus far there may be hope for you yet.
We have become detached from our bodies. Our minds are are melting and dripping out our ears, down our shoulders. The thought process has been replaced by google, our muscle memory consists of lighting fast texting and spell check edits our writing more often than we do. We are "advancing" yet our bodies are becoming less mobile, our diets are unnatural and we have pulled the plug on emotional connection. We are completely immersed in technological wonders that we forget that we are one of the most complex and awe inspiring beings on the planet. We forget what we are capable of because we are too busy trying to figure out how to do things electronically to save time, a concept we invented ourselves.
What are some things that can evoke emotional response? Music, theatre, art, circus, dance, parcours! Immersed in our screens we are constantly watching video clips of other humans beings doing remarkable things. We are astounded by what is possible yet society as a whole is still detached from it as it remains on a screen, in a "window" that can be closed, dismissed and forgotten. Often we are stuck in a passive state constantly obsessed with the future or the past, hardly ever present in our bodies, barely exploring and harnessing the capacity of our force of nature.
We all need circus. No, not bearded ladies and strongmen! More like juggling, tight-wire, German wheel or static trapeze, the human being is instantly present when exploring these skills. You will notice your breath, your posture and most importantly watch your mind. It is not imperative to become a performer but rather understand the possibility within the body. Circus is a tremendous metaphor for life, anything is possible if you continue to persevere. Learn to juggle along side any other goal in life and watch the parallels between the two. You will not be able to start a business over night much like learning to juggle 5 balls. There is always a new trick, something that can be more precise, a learning curve sprinkled with epiphanies. Circus teaches you to be patient and humble through your entire body.
Tear yourself away from the computer and learn a circus skill. Reconnect with your inner child by playing with toys! You will challenge your mind and your body. Why watch people do amazing things online when you yourself could empower your body by being the impressive feats you wait so patiently to load on your screens. Learn to be vulnerable by attempting something you won't look cool learning. If you are fortunate enough to have an able body, use it to its full potential. Be present.
Circus can save you.
Nice one. Well put. This Tuesday I am going to learn a skill. I need circus.